Surgical Face Lift

Surgical face lift also known as rhytidectomy. It is a surgical procedure that helps improve the appearance of face, neck and jawline by reducing the signs of aging such as sagginess, folds and excess skin.

Procedure time

120 - 240 Min



Recovery time

14 - 21 Days

Time to see results

14 - 21 days

For whom?

Male and female

Recomended age range

40 - 74

What is a Surgical Face Lift for?

The main goal of a surgical face lift is to enhance your image by reducing the signs of aging. Who doesn't wish to fight the signs of aging?

What our experts think

Surgical face lift is an invasive technique that tightens the tissues under the skin and excess facial and neck skin are excised to achieve resizing, shaping and repositioning of facial features for a more youthful appearance. This procedure won't decrease wrinkles in the skin, damage from sun exposure or uneven skin tone, as it is meant to correct the loss of skin elasticity resulting from aging. There are some minimal side effects such as bruising, infection, scarring and hair loss, but with careful preoperative planning for each patient and proper surgical techniques, many of these complications can generally be avoided.

Who should consider Surgical Face Lift?
You should consider it if...

Anyone can be candidate for this procedure since it is highly individualized. The best candidates, as in any other surgeries, are healthy nonsmoking people.

You shouldn’t consider it if...

Patients with poor medical health, patients who continuously consume blood‐thinning medications, patients with unrealistic expectations, and heavy smokers.

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What to expect with a Surgical Face Lift

You can expect to recover that young and tight looking face, because it won't just pull up the skin but also remove fat from some areas.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the risks of the procedure?
Scarring, hematoma, hair loss or nerve injury.
How long does the effect last?
10 years! Always a bit longer with proper skin care.
Are there any restrictions post-surgery?
Yes! No makeup, wound care, no sports, no sun exposure, no hair bleaching or coloring for 6 weeks.

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