
An alternative treatment from Asia, where fine needles are introduced for therapeutic purposes. This method is based on the stimulation of sensory nerves for the production of pain relieving endorphins or simply stimulation of trigger points based on energy flow.

Procedure time

30 Min



Recovery time

Same day

Time to see results

7 - 56 days

For whom?

Male and female

Recomended age range

28 - 74

What is a Acupuncture for?

Today, the use of acupuncture is mainly for pain relief (joints, back etc.) including migraines. The fine needles can be placed in different acupuncture pressure points but when it comes to head, face, hands and feet, it will depend on what the problem of the patient is. It is believed that in the hands and feet there is a body map where certain points affect a specific organ directly.

What our experts think

"Acupuncture is a safe, effective, and long-lasting therapy that has been proven to significantly improve joint pain, stiffness, fatigue and mitigate the side effects of cancer, metabolic and endocrine disorders due to the stimulation of the connective tissue surrounding the needle, delivering a neurohormonal signal into the tissue and influencing the various cell populations that share this connective tissue matrix. Thanks to this, patients can use acupuncture in addition to conventional treatment to mitigate side effects and increase their quality of life. This treatment has been particularly favored due to the low risk of adverse events, although the patients may feel sensations such as numbness or an ache during manipulation, dizziness, nausea, hematoma at the site of needle insertion or very slight bleeding."

Who should consider Acupuncture?
You should consider it if...

No candidate restrictions (children and adults, even pregnant women).

You shouldn’t consider it if...

No restrictions for candidate selection

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What to expect with a Acupuncture

You can expect little or no bleeding at all. After the first session, 1 hour to a day, you might experience pain relief and maybe a side effect that could be drowsiness or dizziness. For this reason, rest is recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions
Does the procedure hurt?
No or very little. No local anesthesia is needed. After acupuncture, you could experience a boost or down of energy. Not pain.
Can a patient with cancer be a candidate for acupuncture?
Absolutely. Actually, it is said that acupuncture can help the patient cope with the symptoms better. Even in some cases, electro acupuncture is a better way to treat cancer symptoms.
How big are the needles?
They are hair-like in diameter and thinner than a sewing needle.

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